This is an archive copy of the Crystallography World Wide component of the IUCr web site dating from 2008. For current content please visit the NEWS, PEOPLE and RESOURCES sections of
[IUCr Home Page] [Crystallographer's Guide to Internet Tools and Resources]

Crystallographer's Guide to Internet Tools and Resources

Speakers and tutors at the InterNet Workshops held on the 13th August 1996 during the IUCr XVII Congress and General Assembly in Seattle have contributed to and maintain this guide.


The Guide is available in several formats:

General Reading

There is a very interesting article written September/November 1996 by Vincent Bouthors entitled Evolution of the World Wide Web and the Internet. It is available in English and in French

| Top | Contents | Author | Subject | Accessories |

Table of Contents

| Conferencing | Crystallography | E-mail | File handling | Programming | Searching | Security | Servers | World Wide Web |

World Wide Web - [Contents]

Searching - [Contents]

Conferencing - [Contents]

File handling - [Contents]

E-mail - [Contents]

Programming - [Contents]

Security - [Contents]

Servers - [Contents]

Crystallographic Applications - [Contents]

| Top | Contents | Author | Subject | Accessories |

Author Index

Lachlan Cranswick
| Newsgroups |
Kate Crennell
| Crystallographic Societies and Associations |
Yves Epelboin
| ftp | Listserv | World Directory of Crystallographers |
Howard Flack
| Compression | Crystallography World Wide | E-mail | Encoding | E-Publishing | MBONE | Mirror | MOO | Packing | PGP | WWW |
Yuri Grin
| Addressing - URLs and URNs | HTML and hypertext |
John C. Huffman and John N. Huffman
| Java |
Ralf W. Grosse Kunstleve
| AltaVista | Search engines on the WWW | WhoWhere? | Yahoo! |
Alan Hewat
| VRML |
Arnt Kern
| Archie |
Armel Le Bail
| VRML |
Yvon Le Page
| Conferences on Crystallography |
Brian McMahon
| IUCr Journals | IUCr WWW Style | Mirroring a Pan-Crystallography Server |
Craig Taverner
| CGI | Perl | W3 browsers | W3 authoring |
Hidehiro Uekusa
| Non-latin W3 browsers |

| Top | Contents | Author | Subject | Accessories |

Subject Index

| Top | Contents | Author | Subject | Accessories |


24th June 1997 - © Howard Flack - Not to be copied or reproduced without permission