This is an archive copy of the Crystallography World Wide component of the IUCr web site dating from 2008. For current content please visit the NEWS, PEOPLE and RESOURCES sections of
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Distribution Lists - General Principles

Distribution Lists are a powerful means to exchange information with selected people interested in a given topic. Messages are received as ordinary e-mail messages. The main difference with news groups is that one does not have to connect to a server to know if something new has happened: messages will arrive automatically in your mailbox. If no messages are delivered it just simply means that there is no exchange on the subject of the distribution list on a particular day.

Of course it does require some preliminary arrangement to register at a list server, called listserv, on a list which is devoted to a given subject. Each participant may unsubscribe from the list at any moment. Thus one remains master of the information received.

Using a listserv

We will first learn how to speak to the listserv and how to use a list.

The listserv is just a robot which understands a few commands to subscribe to a list and to unsubscribe. It also answers some very simple queries. Commands are sent to the listserv in the body of e-mail messages. Thus a listserv has an e-mail address just like ordinary people but its understanding is very limited. For instance the listserv which manages the IUCr distribution list is located at

Messages among participants must not be sent to the listserv but to a special address. For instance messages to be distributed among crystallographers must be sent to, different from the listserv address. Such messages are distributed to all the others on the list.

A list may be moderated in which case the editor must validate any message before broadcasting them. Some lists are private, i.e. the editor must approve any registration.

[Index] [list-commands] [list-exch] [list-crystallo] - 24th June 1996 - © Yves Epelboin - Not to be copied or reproduced without permission