This is an archive copy of the Crystallography World Wide component of the IUCr web site dating from 2008. For current content please visit the NEWS, PEOPLE and RESOURCES sections of
[IUCr Home Page] [Crystallographer's Guide to Internet Tools and Resources]

Yahoo! - A Hierarchical Search System

Imagine! You keep surfing the crystallographic net, and every time you find a useful program or Web page you add the link to your list of bookmarks. As time goes by and you have more and more bookmarks, you find that you have to organize them into directories (folders) in order to keep track. As more time goes by, you even have to introduce subdirectories, say, "Science - Crystallography - X-ray". At some point your friend from the biology department joins you to introduce "Science - Biology". Finally, it becomes more exciting to collect bookmarks than doing Crystallography and Biology, and you and your friend add "Science - Chemistry", "Science - Mathematics", something new every day. Eventually your list becomes a Top 5% link itself, you call yourself Yahoo!, you issue shares on the Stock Market and become a multi-millionaire within a day.

At which point did you drop out? - Why?

Most likely you will not find answers to these questions on the Internet. But that is not the only disappointment for today. When you go to the Yahoo! Home page and click on Science, you will discover immediately that at least some parts of the story above are pure fiction. The alphabetical list offers "Computer Science", "Courses", and "Earth Sciences" - nothing about Crystallography.

In your desperation you might consider trying your luck by choosing Chemistry, Physics, Biology or Earth Sciences - but stop!

At the top of the page is a button which wants to be discovered.

As of today, typing in "Crystallography" next to the button and clicking on Search will produce a new Web page which starts with the message:

Found 19 matches containing crystallography. Displaying matches 1-19.

Matching Yahoo Categories


Matching Yahoo Sites

Following the links listed after "Matching Yahoo Sites" could keep you busy for the rest of the day. But do not stay away too long! You certainly do not want to surf without knowing about AltaVista!

[Index] [Search Engines Introduction] [AltaVista] [WhoWhere?] - 26th Sept. 1996 - © Ralf W. Grosse Kunstleve - Not to be copied or reproduced without permission - Author's current manuscript