This is an archive copy of the SinCris component of the IUCr web site dating from 2008. For current content please visit the RESOURCES section of

SinCris Small-moiety crystallographic software

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The programs PLUTON, PLATON and LEPAGE developed in the context of a national single crystal service facility that we run in the Netherlands have been made available via anonymous ftp.

Programs may be extracted free of charge by academic institutions. As usual, the author can not guarantee that the software is bug-free. Reports on bugs and suggestions may be helpful for future versions. New versions are made available frequently (distinguished by a version date).

The programs are mainly for UNIX-platform but a few are available as MS-DOS executables.


This is a generalized look-alike of the popular PLUTO78. It can read data in 'CIF' format (e.g. generated by SHELXL-93. Graphics output includes X-Window, Tektronix, HP-GL and PostScript.


A multipurpose crystallographic tool


A MSDOS/PC program to investigate the metrical symmetry of a translation lattice.

Dr. A.L. Spek
Bijvoet Centre for Biomolecular Research
Crystal and Structural Chemistry
Utrecht University
Padualaan 8
3584 CH Utrecht
The Netherlands

Please send your comments and your suggestions to Yves Epelboin, .

Last update Sept. 18/09/1995 Y.E.
This service is made available through a grant from CNRS and Ministère de l'Education Nationale