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IUCr Commission CSMD

Commission on Charge, Spin and Momentum Densities
MINUTES OF OPEN MEETING, Sagamore XIII, Stare Jablonki, Poland, 7 September 2000

Present: M Spackman (Chair), plus many, many attendees

  1. Membership updates: The meeting was appraised of the current membership of the Commission, including Consultants.
  2. Conference updates: Forthcoming meetings relevant to the CSMD community: Gordon Conference in July 2001; Fermiology meeting, probably mid-August 2001; IUCr in Jerusalem, August 2002 - L Dobrzynski to be CSMD representative on the Programme Committee; European Charge Density meeting, probably in Denmark in 2002.
  3. CSMD Projects: The Density Matrix, Fermiology, MEM and Multipole Refinement projects were outlined. Weyrich is keen to return to activity on the Density Matrix project, and will be involving Becker, S Howard, Tsirelson, Jayatilaka & Smith; Basil indicated that interest and participation in the Fermiology project was increasing rather than decreasing; Sakata would like to see some interaction between the Maximum Entropy and Multipole Refinement projects, and is keen for others (eg Papoular, van Smaalen, Bricogne) to look at the standard data sets; according to Lecomte there were a disappointing number of takers for the Multipole Refinement project, but S Pillet has recently analysed all data sets and and this work has been submitted to Acta Cryst; Mallinson attended the recent COMCIFS meeting, but now needs input from the charge density community, particularly XD users; Tsirelson's proposed project on Topological Features was described and considered best as part of the Multipole Refinement project (in the sense that one must obtain a model electron density before any topological analysis). With more then 70 subscribers worldwide, XD is no longer a Commission project. It was agreed that the aims, progress and outcomes of the various projects should be available on the WWW as soon as possible.
  4. Sagamore XIV: The Sagamore meeting is still the most important "outcome" of the CSMD Commission. An offer was made by M Spackman to host Sagamore XIV in Australia in 2003. Considerable discussion ensued, especially regarding the need to avoid clashes with other meetings and important dates: ECM 21 25-31 August 2003 in Durban, South Africa; ESRF shutdown 20 July - 20 August; Synchrotron Radiation Intrumentation meeting (many SR users attended Sagamore XIII); International Conference on Magnetization, Rome in 2003; International Neutron Scattering meeting. There was agreement to hold the next Sagamore meeting in Australia in 2003, preferably in mid-August.

Mark Spackman, Chair

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