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IUCr Commission CSMD

Commission on Charge, Spin and Momentum Densities
MINUTES OF OPEN MEETING, IUCr Congress & General Assembly, Glasgow, UK, 8 August 1999

Present: K Schwarz (Chair), M Spackman (Secretary) plus 30 other attendees

  1. Triennial Report: K Schwarz summarised the main points of his report. In particular it was noted that feedback was required for suggestions for speakers and programme committee membership for Sagamore XIII.
  2. CIF dictionary for charge densities: Paul Mallinson is coordinating a new CSMD project to establish a CIF dictionary for the charge density community. Contributors and collaborators are welcome.
  3. European Crystallographic Association SIG: P Becker/F Larsen/C Gatti. Discussion included the following topics: a WWW site for references to key papers of relevance to the CSMD community; a WWW site for comments/suggestions concerning programs/experiments/detectors, with the aim of possible financial support from the EC; sessions at ECM 19 in Nancy on momentum/Compton scattering; sessions involving other communities to highlight key problems.
  4. CSMD Projects: The future of the Density Matrix and Fermiology projects was discussed, and it was decided to seek advice from Weyrich and Bansil. Sakata provided an oral report on the MEM project, and Lecomte detailed progress on the Multipole Refinement project. With more then 70 subscribers worldwide, XD was deemed to be a success with a life of its own, and will now cease to be a Commission project.

Mark Spackman, Secretary

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