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IUCr Commission CSMD

Commission on Charge, Spin and Momentum Densities
MINUTES OF CLOSED MEETING, Sagamore XII Conference, Waskesiu, Saskatchewan, Canada, 28 July 1997

Present: K Schwarz (Chair), A Bansil, F Itoh, C Lecomte, M Sakata, M Spackman, V Tsirelson, Y Wang, B Manninen, B Roberston, B K Sharma, J Spence, W Weyrich

  1. Home page of the CSMD: K Schwarz reported that he has established a Commission home page on the WWW (at TU-Wien), which has links from the IUCr page, and links to members, projects, conferences, workshops, and recent news and highlights.
  2. There was discussion on the possibility of providing Sagamore attendance lists on the WWW, but it was generally agreed that alerting readers to the availability of such a list (compiled by W Weyrich) would suffice.
  3. Gordon Conference 1998: K Schwarz and C Lecomte met during the Sagamore XII conference to discuss possible topics and the GRC. The dates and times have been fixed by the Gordon Committee. The Gordon Conference will be held in Queen's College at Oxford (August 30 to September 4, 1998).
  4. IUCr Glasgow 1999: There was discussion on the need for the Commission to put forward suggestions for microsymposia topics to the Program Committee as soon as possible. M Spackman has been invited to be a member of the Program Committee, so will keep the CSMD Commission informed about developments. Meanwhile, the CSMD will draw up a list of possible topics for microsymposia within the next few weeks.
  5. Sagamore XIII 2000: Two offers were received and the Commission invited L Dobrzynski to provide a firm proposal regarding venue and costs for holding the next Sagamore meeting in Poland, the final decision being subject to later approval by the CSMD.
  6. The five projects were discussed and a more complete presentation is in preparation. To this end, those in charge of the projects were requested to provide KS with a short outline of each project including objectives and dates.

Mark Spackman, Secretary

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